Ohorona i Bezpeka

Project features
  • Limited GEO
  • Specific category of services
  • Long time for decision

Advertising campaigns were launched July 2022

Website: oib.com.ua

# Problems

Increase brand recognition;
Stimulate the connection of the apartment alarm system and the mobile alarm button;

# Solutions

Social Media for a Security Company

In the initial phase, we conducted a competitor analysis on social media to ensure our content was unique, to differentiate our brand, and to avoid competitors’ mistakes. This analysis also helped us identify the types of content that resonate with our target audience (TA).

Based on the information provided by the client and our research, we developed content categories for social media posts with the following primary goals:

  • Address barriers and increase loyalty to the company.
  • Encourage followers to save posts and learn about services.
  • Capture the TA’s attention and introduce the company.

Social Media for a Security Company

Throughout our work, we tested various post formats to determine which ones performed best and received the most engagement from followers.

Social Media for a Security Company

Social Media for a Security Company

Given the negative stereotypes and numerous myths surrounding security guards and systems, we specifically focused on addressing these barriers. Our surveys revealed several key myths potential customers believe about security systems:

  • “I have a dog, so I don’t need an alarm system.”
  • “Only people who are scared or have something valuable to steal install alarm systems.”
  • “Security patrols are usually unfriendly and rude when they arrive.”
  • “Security takes too long to arrive when the alarm goes off.”
  • “I don’t have anything worth stealing, so I don’t need an alarm system.”

We are gradually debunking these myths on social media and building trust in our security services.

Social Media for a Security Company

Additionally, to enhance the company’s credibility, we regularly post testimonials from real clients in our feed.

In May 2023, the company underwent rebranding, resulting in a new design for our feed and stories that aligns with the company’s updated corporate identity. We continue to address audience barriers and attract new clients.

Social Media for a Security Company




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    $0.03Cost per Engagement

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