Main project features:
  • Cinemas are located in residential areas of the city
  • Presence of strong competitors
  • A large number of untargeted followers, incorrectly configured massfollowing

Advertising campaigns were launched December 2017

Website: kinoland.com.ua

# Problems

Acquisition of the target followers; involvement increase, coverage increase, and increase of cinema visits.

# Solutions

KINOLAND cinema network is the largest network in Kharkiv. It includes cinemas located in the residential areas of the city and one cinema in the center. KINOLAND network is: KinoLand cinema,  O. Dovzhenko cinema, cinema 8 1/2, KYIV cinema, POZNAN cinema.

When we started the project, the Instagram page was a secondary social network. The images were not adapted to the size of Instagram, because of this the text on them was cutted off. Since there was no single profile style, the content looked heterogeneous. All resources of the social network were not used. For example, Instagram stories were not used, there were no Highlights, and there was almost no communication with followers.

Therefore, it was decided to use the brand colors of the KINOLAND cinema network for creating of the content to increase the level of recognition for the network and create a single profile style.

Incorrect massfollowing settings led to the fact that the account had not only a large number of followers from other countries, that, due to the geography of the cinema network, were untargeted, but also an equal ratio of followings and followers. The use of irrelevant and spammed hashtags also attracted untargeted followers and followers.

Mass end of following from untargeted users was carried out , and targeted advertising was launched only with a view to the residents of Kharkov.

In the process of the work, we have studied the categories and activations. Since the network cinemas are located mainly in the residential areas of the city, where it is convenient to come with children, we have focused on positioning of the cinema as a comfortable, family-friendly cinema near the house. In order to reflect the main idea, we held a photo session with the help of which we tried to get across the main idea – “cinemas of the kinoland network are a cinema near your home”. We showed a girl who came to the cinema in her pajamas and feels at home:

We also introduced the involving items with surveys and items that galvanizing into action.  In these items, followers shared their impressions after watching the movie, and guessed who was depicted in the photo. Useful content included posts with the premieres of the week, movie recommendations, movie announcements with discounts, and discounts for students.

We started actively to communicate with the audience, post the user content on the page, respond to the stories of the cinema visitors, actively communicate with them in personal messages and comment their posts. As a result, users became more active in following the page, commenting the publications, marking the geolocation of the cinema in photos and in the stories to get into the place by geolocation.


In order to stir up the audience of social networks and attract more attention to the network, we have developed a number of activations that were aimed at the increase of the level of users’ interaction with content and increase of followings.

In June 2018, we launched a competition in which users could win a subscription to the cinema for the entire summer. According to the terms and conditions, users had to publish a post in Instagram in which they should tell how they will spend their summer with KinoLAND.

As a result, we received many different versions of posts from users. The winner received a subscription to the cinema for the entire summer (30 visits until the end of August).

Winner’s video

Targeted advertising was used to promote the competition and increase its coverage.

Also, tickets for the expected premieres are constantly raffled off in the social networks of the cinema. Souvenir products from film distributors are raffled off too.

Activations attract much attention of followers and assist in the growth of the level of recognition and visits for the cinemas of the network.

When the account reached the figure of 10 thousand followers, there appeared a possibility to place active links in Stories. We add an active link for every movie, poster, trailer, or announcement that we place in Stories.  Thanks to this, users can go to the page of the movie they are interested in, familiarize with the schedule of the shows in the cinemas of the network and buy a ticket.

As a result of our work, the activity of followers’ interaction with pages in social networks has significantly increased. The number of Stories and posts mentioning the cinema was increased, what provides an additional coverage and audience growth.

As a result of the work done, a stable growth in the number of  followers was observed, and the involvement rate was increased from 0.64% to 1.58%




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Read more
  • More than

    5185Instagram followers increase

  • More than

    906Facebook followers increase

Katerina Kulinich Head of Marketing

The KINOLAND cinema network has been working with the company for 3 years on SMM. In addition to quantitative indicators of work, a positive feature of the team is initiative and a desire to do a little more from the initially agreed conditions, which pleasantly surprises, disposes and forms a desire to cooperate further.

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