
Project features:
  • Luxury segment;
  • New website and brand name for audience;
  • Long time for decision;

Advertising campaigns were launched February 2024


# Problems

Setup emails from scratch;
Migrate audiences from old website to new one;
Setup automated flows;
Send promo emails;

# Solutions

Email marketing for jewelry eCommerce

The client approached us with a new Shopify website that required email marketing setup. At the beginning of our collaboration, the client had:

  • An old site on Magento and a new site on Shopify
  • An inactive email list accumulated over time
  • Most sales occurring through Etsy rather than their own site

Our task was to launch email marketing campaigns to encourage customers to make more purchases on the new site instead of the old one or Etsy.

Initially, we developed a strategy for audience engagement, including the types of emails to send and the automations to use. We needed to prepare everything and create the main email template. Since the client essentially had two sites and thus two different Klaviyo accounts, we needed to create two templates. For the preparation, we typically use Stripo, and after client approval, we transfer the template to Klaviyo for easier management.

Client-approved Template:

Email marketing for Jewelry eCommerce

Warming Up the Email List

Since we already had an email list, it was necessary to warm it up before sending promotional emails. We also needed to inform the Etsy and old Magento site audiences about the new site. To achieve this, we prepared a pendant giveaway tied to the new store’s opening. For the Etsy and Magento audiences, we sent emails with a subscription form for the new Klaviyo account, tagging them appropriately for future giveaway filtering. For the new site’s audience, we sent a similar email with a registration form for the giveaway.

Sample Email:

Email marketing for Jewelry eCommerce

Automated Email Campaigns

We immediately set up standard automated emails for the store, including abandoned cart reminders, a welcome series with a discount, browse abandonment emails, and checkout abandonment emails.

Additionally, we configured the same for the old Magento site, but with links directing users to the new site and offering a discount for purchases there.

For the Etsy audience, whose contacts are also added to Klaviyo, we created a welcome email offering a discount for email confirmation, enabling us to use these contacts in promotional campaigns.

After the initial phase, we added several more automated series:

  • Wishlist additions
  • Series based on the time since the first purchase
  • Series based on the time since the last purchase
  • Birthday series

Automated flows work well and show us good results:

Promotional Emails

Given that jewelry purchases typically involve a long decision-making period (3-6 months), we created a promotional email plan. We started with two emails per month featuring bestsellers and discounts. After a month, we removed discounts from regular promotional emails, reserving them for holiday-themed promotions, such as Mother’s Day.

Since jewelry is visually appealing and users often share their photos on Instagram, we could leverage user-generated content (UGC) in our emails. This type of email received very positive feedback, reflected in high click-through rates and purchases.

Based on the results of our email campaigns and audience activity, we continue to refine the account and segmentation to make emails more personalized and to increase sales for our client.





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  • More than

    68%Open rate

  • More than

    3,28%Click rate

  • More than

    3%Conversion rate

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