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15 December | 2022

Google Ads for Jewelry Stores

Max Zakhozhiy| 16| 0

Google Ads for Jewelry Stores

Online jewelry sales can be difficult.

You need to find out how to attract your ideal customers to your website because there are many rivals who are also attempting to sell their own rings and necklaces. Google Ads for jewelry can be very effective.

You can display advertisements across all of Google’s platforms by using Google Ads.

This article’s objective is to identify the particular difficulties that jewelry manufacturers encounter while using Google Ads and how to overcome them.

How Effective Are Google Ads for Jewelry Brands?

If you use Google Advertising for your jewelry business, you’ll be able to display ads in the following locations:

  • Search results on Google
  • Google Shopping tab on search results
  • Third-party websites
  • YouTube

These locations each call for a distinct campaign type. However, they all operate on the same principle—you have to pay Google each time someone clicks on your ads.

The location and audience you want your advertisement to reach will affect how much you pay.

Campaign Types that are Interesting for Jewelry Brands

As I’ve already indicated, Google Ads is more intricate than just one particular ad format. You can run a variety of different campaigns kinds. Let’s start with the ones that will help your jewelry business the most.

Google Jewelry Brands Search Ads

When people talk about Google Adverts, they typically mean Google Search Ads, also known as text ads.

You choose the keywords for which you want to run ads, you tell Google how much you’re ready to spend for each click, and you create a compelling ad.

Here is an illustration of how a text advertisement for a jewelry store can appear:

text ad example jewelry google ads

Because you may reach people who are already browsing for products comparable to yours, search ads can be fairly effective.

It’s crucial to distinguish between branded keywords in Search Ads, which are people looking for your brand, and generic terms.

The conversion rates will be significantly greater because those who are searching for your brand already know about you and probably trust you.

Other keywords could be used to search for a particular product, such as “18k hoop earrings,” or a category, such as “rose gold necklaces.”

Since they aren’t specifically looking for your company or its goods, there will be greater brand rivalry, which will result in a higher cost per click and worse conversion rates.

Google Shopping Ads for Jewelry

You can find advertising with product images in the Google search results as “Shopping Ads.”

You must link your online store to Google Merchant Center, a free platform provided by Google, in order to begin running these adverts. You can use this link to provide Google with all of your product information, typically via a product feed.

The information can then be processed by Google Adverts to provide Shopping ads.

Here is an example of a shopping advertisement for a jewelry store:

google shopping ads for jewelry

You can’t pick the terms for which you want your products to appear, unlike Search Ads. To choose the most relevant search terms for these Shopping Ads to appear, Google will use information about your products.

Your major responsibility is to inform Google of the cost per click that you are prepared to pay.

This makes it considerably simpler to begin, but much more challenging to optimize your ads once they are up and going.

Display ads for jewelry brands

You can use display ads to display banner adverts on websites that have chosen to participate in Google’s display network. This is a HUGE selection of websites that includes anything from The Huffington Post to Yahoo News to Reddit.

You must first make your display banners. There are two ways to do this:

You may either let Google put together the actual advertisement or you can offer a ton of assets, such as text and photos.
like this Ritani advertisement:

google display ads for jewelry

Frankly performs the job, but it’s dull and doesn’t truly tell me anything about the company. To be completely honest, it achieves the exact opposite—dull it’s and uninteresting.
Custom banners can be made and uploaded to Google to make a Display Ad in a second way. Although the resources needed to construct these are far greater, they do look much nicer.
Here is a Blue Nile display advertisement:

google display ads for jewelry example
Lastly, this is from George Jensen:

google display ads jewelry
You must set up your campaign after creating or uploading your advertisements to Google Ads to choose who will see them.

Google provides a variety of targeting choices, including:

  • Placements: You choose which particular websites you wish to appear on
  • Choose different websites to target based on certain subjects or keywords.
  • In-market or affinity audiences are collections of people who, according to Google Demographics, exhibit particular behaviors: age, gender, and household earnings
  • Remarketing audiences are those who have already visited your website.
  • Customer Match: By submitting an email list to Google, you were able to locate your current clients.

Reaching out to website visitors is typically a very effective strategy. But doing so is a really difficult challenge. You need a significant budget, a design resource to produce fantastic visual assets, and a highly thorough testing methodology to identify the greatest audience+creative combinations in order to succeed.

YouTube Advertising for Jewelry Brands

YouTube Ads are the final form of campaign.

Numerous other campaigns are also able to display advertisements on YouTube. These include display ads, retail ads, and search ads.

However, I want to focus on YouTube Ads in this section since they are only video advertisements.

This is perhaps the most difficult campaign kind to get off. That’s because a campaign’s success depends so much on having the correct creative. You can’t just make one video and call it a day.

You must test a variety of videos in order to locate the audiences who will respond to them the best. It’s a hard nut to crack, but if you succeed, it may be incredibly profitable.

Therefore, after your videos are finished, you must post them to YouTube.

Then, by selecting one of the numerous targeting options that Google provides for YouTube, you may use these videos to set up a campaign through Google Ads.

These resemble the targeting choices I discuss in the Display Ads section quite a bit.

The most detailed targeting option is to only show your YouTube ad on particular videos or channels, while the most general targeting option is to display it to all women between the ages of 23 and 65.

As an illustration, consider this brand from the jewelry company Bulgari:

6 Particular Problems Jewelry Brands Have With Google Ads

You ought to have a pretty decent notion of what Google Ads can do by this point.

This section aims to delve a little deeper into the particular difficulties that jewelry manufacturers encounter when attempting to promote on Google Ads.

The first obstacle: is fierce competition

Every pricing point of the internet jewelry industry is subject to intense competition.

This is a result of fierce competition for limited real estate. You’ll see large luxury companies like Cartier compete with emerging jewelry makers in the search results.

Smaller sellers have a difficult situation as a result of this.

Bigger product prices frequently translate into higher profit margins on each item sold. As a result, more money may be spent on each click by vendors of more expensive goods.

Due to this, it may be very hard for a seller of a $45 necklace to compete with a $250 necklace.

The second obstacle: the wide range of price points

A person seeking a necklace can have in mind a $10 trinket or they might be looking for a $5,000 diamond-and-gold Bulgari necklace.

This underscores the need of knowing exactly who you want to target.

Potential customers can specify what they’re looking for using Search or Shopping Ads by using their search query.

In comparison to someone seeking a “necklace,” someone looking for an “18k gold necklace” is far more valued.

It’s crucial to have product titles in Google Shopping that appropriately reflect your product’s features. It’s crucial to indicate any specific resources you’re employing because this tells Google exactly who you’re trying to reach.

Even while Search and Shopping Advertising include ads that are relatively identical regardless of price, Display or YouTube Ads provide you with more options.

You have more control over the look and feel of your advertisement in addition to a wider range of targeting options. This enables you to represent your brand.

The third obstacle: Highly Seasonal

The jewelry industry is quite cyclical.

Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, or year-end sales are a few of the peak times when brands generate the majority of their annual revenue.

When people are in these situations, they buy jewelry. Because of the improved conversion rates, selling is made simpler.

Sadly, other companies are aware of this. This implies that you’ll have to contend with more rivals who are all prepared to invest more money. The cost per click may increase by at least 25% to 100% as a result.

What occurs outside of those peak times is the second problem for a highly seasonal firm.

Lower conversion rates during the off-season generally make it more difficult to maintain a particular level of profitability (or high enough ROAS).

This makes it challenging in terms of Google Ads. Campaigns will need to be scaled up or down depending on the season. Or you might have to put campaigns on hold during the slow season since it is simply impossible to make them succeed.

The fourth obstacle: advertisements that are on brand

Most jewelry companies are rightfully quite sensitive to how their brand looks.

Your options for being “on brand” with Google Search or Shopping Ads are rather constrained:

  • Your advertisements’ headings and descriptions
  • a duplicate of your product names
  • pictures of goods
  • image add-ons
  • using Google Merchant Center to upload a logo and company colors

Your brand aspects have far more room to shine with Display or YouTube Ads.

The fifth obstacle: many variations of the product

Customers benefit greatly from a wide variety of product offerings.

The likelihood that you have what it takes is quite minimal if all you have available to them is one necklace.

However, if you offer a variety of designs, hues, dimensions, costs, and materials, customers can explore your catalog and pick something they enjoy.

Two metrics that you can monitor in Google Analytics can show you when you have something that people are interested in. The first one is a reduced bounce rate (measured as the proportion of visitors who leave your website without viewing any other pages), and the second is a larger number of pages/sessions (measured as the proportion of pages they visit on your website).

Category pages are frequently used as landing pages, particularly with Search advertisements. Therefore, the key to making that a positive experience is having enough inventory.

It’s crucial to get the product filters on those sites right so that users may dive down and find the ideal product.

The sixth obstacle: hard to sample

Contrary to a $100 pair of well-known brand shoes, jewelry is challenging to try online.

Online jewelry stores offer a wide range of quality. Some goods are incredible, one-of-a-kind handcrafted creations, while others are mass-produced trash that is marketed at exorbitant markups.

It is your responsibility to provide visitors with all the information necessary for them to make an informed choice.

Before consumers make a purchase, they also require knowledge and a certain amount of trust in your company and website. And the more significant this is, the higher the price point.

You may increase trust through client testimonials, influencer recommendations, media coverage, and channel visibility (like Facebook, PR, and Google Ads).

Alternatives to Google Ads for Jewelry Brands

You’ve undoubtedly already learned that there are many ways to get customers to your jewelry store if you own your own business.

In fact, you could feel a little overburdened by all the options available to you.

Because of this, I’ll outline the most popular alternatives to Google Ads and describe how they differ from one another.

Google Ads vs. Facebook & Instagram Ads

Both Facebook and Instagram are platforms with the capacity to generate a significant volume of traffic.

Jewelry is a very visually appealing commodity, so a picture or video ads on the site typically work well.

The primary distinction between Facebook Ads and Google Ads is that nobody is actually looking for your goods on Facebook. Your adverts will distract them from what they are doing as they read through their feeds. They’ll click through to your site if you’re successful, too.

This dynamic is really similar to what occurs with a display or YouTube ads.

Compared to Search or Shopping Ads, this is a sharp contrast. You can only reach those who are actively looking for the things you’re selling with these advertisements.

This is referred to as a higher purchase intent in the marketing industry.

Although neither is superior to the other, they do call for completely different strategies!

Google Ads versus SEO

The technique of improving your website for search engines is known as search engine optimization (SEO).

With Google Ads, you can pay your way to the top of the page without having to improve your website.

Increasing traffic using SEO is typically a long-term endeavor; benefits frequently take six months or longer to manifest.

You will receive clicks from Google Ads rather quickly, but the main drawback is that you must pay for each hit. Additionally, when you stop paying, the flow of traffic ceases.

When it comes to SEO, you often have to invest more money upfront, but after you start ranking high, it’s practically free.

Examples of Jewelry Brands using Google Ads for promotion

Pandora promotion

google ads for jewelry pandora

Pandora uses which Google Ads campaigns?

  • Shopping ads
  • display ads
  • generic search ads
  • brand-specific search ads
  • YouTube ads.

A Pandora generic search ad illustration

google search ads for jewelry


Tiffany ads

google ads for jewelry tiffany

Tiffany uses which Google Ads campaigns?

  • Shopping ads
  • display ads
  • generic search ads
  • brand-specific search ads
  • YouTube ads

Typical Tiffany YouTube advertisement:

If you need suggestions regarding digital marketing strategy for your jewelry brand contact UAATEAM digital marketing agency.

Our expertise in jewelry promotion and huge experience in advertising help you to sell more online.

15 December 2022| Max Zakhozhiy| 16| 0


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