How to win in local PPC
It’s important for local businesses to be visible not only on the street (place on the first line) but also be visible online.
Any visitor will search a place in google and read reviews before visiting. And there is no difference between a dentist or a restaurant. If you have bad reviews or you are not visible on the first page of Google or on Instagram – you will lose your potential customer.
One of the best ways to be visible and get customers – use CPC advertising on google. But in this case, you have to know some features if you want to win.
There are some of them, which help you to win in local CPC.
1. Connect your Google My Business account and Google Ads account
First of all, you have to create an account on Google My Business. We already have the article with a detailed manual how to do it.
Then, you need to connect your GMB account with your google ads. You can easy do it just clicking to the Location extension on your Google Ads account. Choose “add new” and select your GMB account.
Then, you have to go to GMB and check this connection:
2. Use local keywords with geolocation
Add words with your location name to the keywords. In this case, your customers will find you faster, because your business will be more relevant for the google system and you’ll get a better position.
3. Use your city only in geo settings
You can choose your location only in campaign settings. There are several options. Chose “people in your location” to get cheaper clicks in your location, or “people in, or who show interest in, your targeted location” to get more impressions.
4. Add a phone number to your ads
Use a call extension in your ads. Many people can just click on your ad and call to you, they don’t want to visit the website.
5. Add location name to your ads
Using location in your ads you will give your clients understand where you are. It will take just several symbols, you can use one of 3 headlines or description line.
Conclusion: local PPC is not so difficult as e-commerce or worldwide business. Just use the right tips (most of them are free) and your business will be always at the top.