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29 December | 2022

How to promote shoe store on Instagram

Max Zakhozhiy| 30| 0

How to promote shoe store on Instagram

Are you interested in learning Instagram marketing?

Let me first give you an overview of Instagram since it will be helpful to you before I teach you and give you some Instagram marketing advice. It has become the best platform for sharing images since it was first introduced. The app has more than 2 billion active users worldwide. 500 million people use Stories every day, and users on average spend approximately 30 minutes on the app. On the website, there are also a lot of influencers who have a ton of followers. And with the appropriate strategy, you too can establish yourself as a powerful brand. To keep your present followers interested while attracting new ones, you must post the correct kind of content. However, it might be challenging to determine the post types that would help you expand your audience. I’ll thus show you how to sell effectively on Instagram.

How to Use Instagram for Shoe Store Marketing

As one of the most downloaded apps today since its release in 2010, Instagram continues to hold the top spot. With this level of fame, you must have a solid plan in place.
Here are some effective Instagram marketing strategies you may employ to get the most out of this well-liked platform.

1. Quickly change to a business profile.

Make sure you have an Instagram Business Account before planning your Instagram marketing strategy.
Changing your current profile to a business account is simple.

To begin, simply navigate to your preferences and select “Switch to Business Profile.”
The advantages of having a business profile are quite evident.
For instance, just as on your website, followers can contact you directly from your Instagram page by clicking the contact icon. Additionally, your audience will respect you more as a well-known brand.
You can build and post Instagram ads using a business profile without using Meta’s advertising capabilities.
Additionally, you have access to Instagram’s Insights analytics tools, which offer statistics on the impressions and reach of your posts. You can create shopping posts and sell your shoes directly on the Instagram page:


You must begin using the free benefits that come with a business profile once you’ve unlocked them in order to analyze metrics and comprehend your audience.

2. Employ free tools for an Instagram marketing

Instagram business profiles and Meta business profiles are similar in many ways.
You can check statistics like impressions, engagement data, and more through Insights.
You can even receive a breakdown of the followers’ demographics, which includes details on their age, gender, location, and peak activity times.

promote shoe store on instagram

Also, insights aren’t merely broad generalizations. You can get detailed information on your posts for the week, including the number of impressions you received during that time frame and a list of your most popular articles.

These free resources are crucial since they allow you to pinpoint how viewers are interacting with your material.
Your ability to tweak your content to increase engagement will increase as you learn more about how users are responding to your postings.
Product teasers are one type of post that nearly always grabs readers’ interest.

3. Post-Product Teasers That (Gently) Prod Customers to Buy

What if posting product teasers on Instagram alone might increase sales of your products?
In fact, you can.
Instagram is a fantastic platform for product promotion. Additionally, if you play your cards well, you won’t irritate or scare away users with adverts.
If you are excessively forceful, people will stop following you like flies. However, using product teaser postings is an easy approach to talk about your product and generate enthusiasm without coming across as forced.
Here are two Instagram posts from shoe stores that don’t specifically try to sell a product, but rather provide followers access to the brand’s whole inventory through a like-to-buy social eCommerce feature.

promote shoe store on instagram

While displaying images of some of the products that are for sale, the business promises a discount of 70%.
Additionally, each post earned hundreds of likes, which is enormous in the advertising industry.

The advertising is effective because they aren’t intrusive. They are unhurried. Customers are enticed to download the app and compare prices by the discount and product image.
Almost every sector can benefit from this.

People are more inclined to take the plunge and make a purchase when you tease them about items they are interested in without pressuring them to do so.
Even if they don’t, they’ll still interact with your post by liking it, leaving a comment, or sharing it with a friend.

So don’t be scared to publish product images to show off the products. Just be careful.

Making some sponsored advertisements is also helpful.

4. Develop sponsored ads to promote shoes

Instagram advertising is now widely used on the site. What’s best? By establishing an advertising budget, you may decide just how much you want to spend on them.
The carousel option allows you to display a single sponsored ad or a number of adverts.

This enables brands to reach their customers in whole new ways. Only individuals who were following your account could view your updates and images prior to sponsored posts.
Brands may now share their images with anyone who falls into the demographics of their target market, extending their reach further than before.

Use compelling content for sponsored advertising that also appeals to the target audience you want to show the ad to.

Keep an eye on your most popular content because you can convert them into sponsored advertising as well.

These successful posts can eventually be disseminated to potential clients as paid advertisements.

Run several posts simultaneously to various audiences to increase engagement. Remember that you can upload a variety of sponsored advertisements, including • Photo • Videos • Reels • Carousel/Dynamic Ads • Stories Canvas.

how to promote shoe ecommerce on instagram

Another excellent way to engage followers is through Instagram Stories or Reels, whether they are paid or not.

5. Use Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories can benefit you if you want to produce leads.

Instagram Stories come in a “slideshow” format, which sets them apart from standard Instagram postings.

Stories can be saved to any of your devices and re-used at a later time, but they are only active for 24 hours.

This function closely resembles Snapchat Stories (and is even a direct competitor).

Instagram Stories show up in a little section above the news stream rather than in it.

When a user clicks on your photo at the top, a window opening your Story will appear.

Instagram Stories provide so many advantages for businesses. Stories are first seen at the top of follower timelines, where people already regularly glance.
In-depth posts from behind-the-scenes insiders that might not be as “high-quality” as normal posts can be captured by brands via stories.

Additionally, when it comes to Stories, you don’t have to worry as much about publishing content that complements the “aesthetic” of your brand or your Instagram page.

Additionally, Instagram makes it simple to experiment with various content formats in the Stories feature, including images, brief videos, rewind movies, live videos, Reels, and boomerangs. You can make stunning photos and movies for your tales using apps like Canva and InVideo.

Instagram Reels are quick, up to 60-second-long videos. These do not vanish after a day, unlike fiction. You can also use a set of integrated editing tools to improve the video, much like TikTok.

Boomerangs are animated GIF-like pictures that repeat.

If you’re cooperating with another brand or influencer, it’s wonderful that you can tag other accounts in Stories.

It’s simple to alter photos or build entertaining, eye-catching visuals with face filters, text, or stickers.

The order in which you added each image and video will be played back.

You can upload an infinite number of posts to Stories at any given moment, and the tool is accessible to all businesses worldwide.

Only the mobile Instagram app offers access to stories, which, depending on the privacy settings of the page you’re viewing, can be shared as direct messages.

However, this isn’t really a concern because the majority of Instagram users access the site through the smartphone app rather than the website.

If you haven’t collaborated with Instagram influencers who are already successful, identify a handful and send them an email.

6. Collaborate With Influencers to Reach More People

The quickest approach to contact potential clients on Instagram is through influencers who have already established an audience and a sizable following.

A growing number of consumers base their decisions to purchase goods or services on what they see in the feeds of the influential people they follow. They believe them.

With Instagram being the most popular platform to display influencer campaigns, including influencer marketing in your strategy has a good chance of being effective.

When many believed that influencer marketing would only be a trend, its popularity exploded. According to Big Commerce, businesses are now spending more of their annual marketing budget on influencer marketing programs.

You can expose your business to those users if you collaborate with the correct industry influencer.

Finding a few influencers with an audience that is interested in your product or service is the first step.

Here is an illustration of how Gravity Blankets utilized Instagram personality Jessi Smiles to advertise their product.
The post has received a lot of likes.

how to promote shoe store on instagram

The company offers weighted blankets for stress relief and sleep. They have more than 78k followers on Instagram.
However, Jessi’s page has over 400,000 fans who are inclined to believe her advice.

That indicates that by a single post, the brand has just gained the attention of thousands of potential buyers (and new followers).
There are even more long-term benefits if you set aside the immediate profits and direct sales you can generate from an influencer campaign.

Nowadays, authenticity is vital for brands and appeals to consumers the most.

You will create enduring brand recognition with a new audience if you establish a relationship with each influencer.

And if you play your cards correctly, you might even collaborate with a major influencer to garner millions of likes in the future, much like Coca-Cola did with this Selena Gomez post.

Even if your current customers aren’t influencers, you may still leverage their postings to persuade people to purchase your goods by gathering user-submitted images.

7. Use User Generated Content (UGC)

Wouldn’t it be amazing to be able to produce excellent content for your Instagram feed without having to put in any effort?
There is through user-generated content.
Your audience is already interested. You can use your audience to produce helpful material for you, whether there are a few hundred or thousands.

Because it is genuine and unpredictable, user-generated material will probably be appreciated by your followers even more than your own.

The Instagram page of the cosmetics company MAC has a ton of user-generated content that highlights its products.

Here is a picture that one of their users posted and then put to Instagram. Take note of the #regram hashtag and the user’s tagging in the photograph.

how to promote shoe store on instagram

You may be wondering how you might encourage your users to produce interesting content without coming across as overbearing.
Actually, it’s quite easy. Like you, your audience presumably wants to expand their own network.

If you just let them know that you’ll tag them in your post if you choose to regram their photo, they’ll be more likely to consistently share user-generated content.

It benefits both you and your clients.

This is a GoPro problem. Every week, the company selects a #FeaturedPhotographer.

This is regarded by the brand (and its fans) as a weekly contest.

You could be amazed by how keen your fans will be to engage if you try something similar.

Always be careful when selecting the pictures you want to post. Although it may be challenging, try to keep the following in mind when selecting a winner:
1. Does the image match the brand image you have previously established or are working to establish? Or is it in opposition to it?
2. How large is the individual whose image you wish to share’s following?
3. Is the image appropriate for the viewers and followers you currently have?
When you manage a business, you need to make sure that every post you make is consistent with the tone of your brand (and audience). Including Instagram.
The followers of someone who shares a user-generated photograph with a significant following will undoubtedly be curious to check out your page as well.
Take a look at how this user-submitted Boosted Boards image fits in with the company’s style. It’s excellent, captivating, and distinctive.

Select pictures like this one that successfully evoke the tone of your brand.

In light of this, try not to post anything that is overly prejudiced. Change things up and see how your engagement and follower count increase.
It also helps to create a hashtag that promotes your brand and invites Instagram users to engage with it more.

8. Create a Participatory Branded Hashtag

Interactive hashtags are a terrific method to achieve instant involvement if that’s what you’re after.
Red Bull’s hashtag, #givesyouwings, has been used in nearly 500,000 posts.

how to promote instagram store

The user-generated content can then be posted by customers using the tag. Users can browse through all posts mentioning your brand thanks to this feature.
Additionally, it makes it simple to search through pictures that you might want to think about resharing on your own page.
Making a hashtag that customers (and other users) can use is practically free advertisement for your business.
Every time someone uses the hashtag in a photo post, they make your business known to their followers.
Consider using your brand’s well-known tagline or catchphrase as your hashtag if you already have one. Coca-hashtag, Cola’s #ShareACoke, was successful in achieving this.

However, you must post at the appropriate times and avoid over-posting regardless of what you are posting.

9. Post at the Appropriate Times (but Avoid Overposting)

Oversharing on Instagram will undoubtedly drive away your current followers.

They will likely unfollow you as soon as possible if all they see from you in their news stream is your brand.

But you need to post frequently if you want to continue to appear in their news stream.

Only posting during the busiest days and hours when your followers are online is one of the greatest strategies to achieve this.

According to Later, Saturday or Sunday are the greatest days to post on Instagram, while Wednesday afternoons and Thursday evenings are the worst.

They found that, in regard to your time zone, the optimal hours of the day to publish are between 5AM and 6AM.

These times correspond to those when people are getting ready for work or traveling to work (and checking social media for the day).

The second most popular time to post is about 12:00 AM or little later because this is when most people are scrolling through Instagram when they should be asleep.

Your optimal days and times to post could vary slightly based on your target demographic because Instagram Insights lets you see when your followers are most active.

With the help of a service like Hootsuite, Later, or Sprout Social, you can schedule your posts to go live throughout certain days and hours.

Additionally, according to the research, you should post no more than twice daily.

Use Instagram’s carousel album function to publish multiple photographs or advertisements in a slideshow format if you’re tempted to upload more.

In this manner, you won’t clog up the feeds of your followers.

Track your stats after making these adjustments to keep an eye out for areas where your Instagram marketing strategies can be strengthened.

10. Ensure That You Monitor The Correct Instagram Metrics

If you don’t know how well your page and posts are performing, you can’t maximize your Instagram performance (or underperforming).

You’ll be able to pinpoint exactly what works and what doesn’t when you have quantifiable outcomes.

Start by keeping an eye on your follower growth pace.

Most people consider your overall number of followers to be a vanity metric. It is, too.

Your follower growth rate, however, is not.

You can tell how the type of content you share (or how frequently you post) is affecting things by keeping a watch on the growth rate of your followers.

Measure engagement rates next. Likes and comments are included in this.

To gain a comprehensive image of how your page is doing, you should learn the average engagement % of your entire following as well as the average engagement rate of each post.

Your engagement rate ought to be higher if you have a smaller following. Based on the number of followers you have, these are the prices you should be using:

The engagement Rate is calculated as (Likes + Comments) / Total Followers.

Tracking your URL click-through rate is the last step.
If your Instagram bio doesn’t already have a link to your website, add one right away.

Next, count the number of people that are clicking through to your URL.
Conversion XL estimates that the CTR on Instagram is 0.94% on average.

Your CTR will be higher the more successful your Instagram marketing strategies are with your audience. If it’s low, try to make your strategy more effective.
A platform like Sprout Social can track how many clicks, as opposed to impressions and engagements, your link receives.


What can I do to enhance my Instagram marketing?

Use a business account, learn about your audience, fill out your profile completely, and experiment with reach-boosting options like Instagram Stories and Reels. Brands have found that short-form video content is a terrific way to reach their audience.

How can I use Instagram to promote my small business?

Create a business profile and fill up your bio first. Then decide your objectives – do you want to promote brand awareness or sell more products? You should base your Instagram marketing strategy on your aims.

How can I increase my Instagram following?

Put quality before quantity. Run competitions, make use of pertinent hashtags, plan out frequent posting times, and share your Instagram username on other channels like email to increase your follower count.

How successful is marketing on Instagram?

Instagram is the best platform for reaching your audience and expanding your brand, with more than 2 billion active users each month.


The social media world has been controlled by Instagram. With more than 2 billion users each month, it is the preferred platform for image sharing.

Every day, billions of likes are distributed, therefore you must do your part to claim some of them.

Therefore, heed this advice about Instagram marketing strategy:
1. If you haven’t already, convert your Instagram profile to a business profile. You will receive a ton of free tools and insights as a result.

2. Commence utilizing those free tools. Consider the demographics of your audience, such as their age or preferred locales.

3. Post sneak peeks of your products to entice customers without being unduly aggressive. If customers don’t feel pressurized, they’ll be more inclined to make a purchase.

4. You can reach target audiences who may not be following you yet by turning your content into sponsored advertisements. They can become captivated after just one post.

5. Post-behind-the-scenes images or videos on Instagram Stories. The insider posts will be well-liked by followers, strengthening your rapport with clients.

6. Collaborate with influencers who have a large following in your sector. Their followers will trust you because they trust your advice.

7. Repost photographs that your consumers share to fully utilize the power of user-generated content. With an interactive, branded hashtag, you can make this into a competition.

8. Pick a picture that reflects the philosophy of your brand and share it once a week or once a month.

9. Don’t overpost and post at the appropriate times. Publish once or twice daily, and observe when your followers are most active. Plan your posts so that they go live at certain times.

10. Ensure that you monitor the appropriate analytics to determine the success of your Instagram marketing campaigns.
Keep an eye on your URL click-through rate, engagement rate, and follower growth pace.

Get in touch with our agency for assistance if you need help with your Instagram advertising initiatives!

29 December 2022| Max Zakhozhiy| 30| 0


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